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This is what worked for me- Getting more muscle definition.

There is a common misconception between gym-goers that to be lean, you need the right genes. That is an excuse, it's all about the habits you have and the way you train. In this article, I will explain my journey in having more defined muscles and how I increased strength.

1.Changed Perception of why I Exercise

Exercising with a simple goal in mind can actually be detrimental to those same goals you've set. I'm not saying that you should not set goals, whether if it is to gain or lose weight, but that shouldn't be your only focus. Exercise should be your lifestyle, something you do because it is an extension of you are and meant to be. A year ago, I decided that fitness was going to be my lifestyle and that I'm in for life.

2. Getting out of my comfort level and not doing common exercises

Being unique is not simply a cliché, it's actually the driver of true success. Hence, you should always aim to innovate and differentiate your exercise routine. It is scientifically proven that many reach plateaus after working out for so long because they only do what they know. So I started to push my body to different limits by testing my balance and having a strong focus on building core strength. A good way to do that is by following fitness professionals on Instagram or following fitness blogs. You can follow me on Instagram if you want somewhere to start.

3. Working on Core

A lot of us tend to want abs but never really focus on core. Away from the deadlifts and crunches you do, there are tons of ways you can really challenge the core. I did that through the test of my balance, resistance training and by being innovative in the way I trained my core. Equipment like the BOSU ball, body balls, ab rollers and even holding a weight up as you do a crunch are ways you can challenge your self. I usually dedicate at least 20 minutes to core before I do anything else.

4. Changing my diet

I eliminated all fast foods, eat less processed food and focused on eating things that are close to nature. I know people who go to the gym after their trip to McDonald's, that is completely the wrong way of doing things. If you want to be more shredded, you have to learn how to meal prep and eat right. If not, your goals will never become a reality.

5. Doing More HITT training and supersets

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is defined as an exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods. Unless your goal is to lose weight, there is a high chance you will not engage in cardio. A lot of times, we think of cardio as running or being on the treadmill. The truth is, if your body is in motion you are most likely in engaging in some sort of cardio when way or the other. For instance, instead of doing bicep curls, you can do bicep curls and push ups or come from a barbell squat to a box jump. I incorporate HIIT in all my routines to not only increase strength but explosion, endurance and to add cardio.

6. I trained outdoors

One thing that really help was outdoor training such as running the stadium, doing agility training on the beach or flipping tires. I believe that was efficient in helping get me to where I am today, practical exercise is the natural way of getting in shape and staying in shape. Flex Fitness and Performance is a company that truly believes in outdoor training and you can try a local class for free in South Florida or California if you sign up through our app.

These are just some of the things I did to get me to where I am and my main focus isn't to gain a lot of muscle mass but become a lot stronger and most importantly, continue living this Fitness Lifestyle.

This is a video of me speaking. Feel free to watch.

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