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Love Your Self, Not Your Image

As a trainer, I hear the reiteration of how people want to look a certain way, not how people aspire to feel. Most of the goals people set consist of changing how one looks as oppose to wanting to alter the perception of one's physical, emotional or mental being. Most people are inspired and moved by what the eyes can see but it is one's mental state and perception that hinders most from achieving their full potential. A curve or big belly doesn't determine who you are or what you can achieve, but your thought process does determine how you feel. As we all know, feelings can either break you or make you great, hence, it is entirely up to you to decide what your feelings are. You may say to yourself, "it's not as easy as you think", well it is. Your perception is the driver of your destiny and until you have the right vision of yourself, it'll be a blur to determine who you are. How can you focus on loving your self and not your image? Keep on reading and find out:

Build Your Self

Before you can start loving yourself and not your body, you must first believe in your self as a person and know that you are able to achieve greatness or anything you put your mind to. Whether it's losing 20 lbs. or changing your eating habits, it is pivotal to believe. However, it takes strength, confidence, and consistency to build your self. Start by engaging in positive thoughts; stop looking at the downside of situations but the reward or the lesson. Just know, whether you've succeeded or failed, there is always a lesson to be learned and lessons are always an asset. Listen to music, speeches, and people who inspire and uplift you as oppose to bringing in sounds of discouragement and negativity. It takes constant reiteration in your mind everyday before you can start believing and increase confidence, so talk to your self and be your greatest source of motivation.

Support Your Self

What happens when you step on the scale and the scale step and crush your dreams of being skinny? What happens when you've tried all that you can and the weight doesn't go away? Do you get upset and give up or do you restructure and keep going? The biggest support you have in life it isn't your mother, father or spouse. The desire, fire, and yearn that human heart has to surpass pain is the only support needed. Your situation is determined by the fire in you, not the heat that life produces. So when you are tired of being tired, support yourself. When you're tired and can not finish that lap, find your inner strength and support yourself. When you think that you are a hideous beast and that no one else understands, google "beasts" and realize that it's not that bad. Support yourself. Don't focus on the situation, but the strength you gain throughout that instance. Use that strength and support yourself!

Love Yourself

Your identity is not in your muscle fibers, fat or bones; it is in your mind. The world that you know is all processed by your mind, not your buttocks, breasts, face, biceps etc. Your mental state is the single most imperative factor in loving your self; surpass the palpable attributes of the world and look within. Look inside, who are you? What are your skills, abilities, and knowledge? What makes you unique and how can you leave a mark on the world to make it better than you found it? That's what matters, it is the things you can not see that you need to focus on, it is that interior feeling of self satisfaction that will change your perception of life. Once you can alter how you perceive the world and your own being, anything else is yours. You just have to go out and get it. It's possible.

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