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The Best Way to Build a Wider and Stronger Back

Everyone wants a strong, ripped, and wide back but what does it take to get there? Those purple and green workout machines are not going to get you there. If you want to get a stronger back, you have to return to the basics and use your body to your advantage. One thing to keep in mind is to focus on exercises that is going to stress the muscle more. Keep doing those deadlifts, bent over row's, lat pull downs and other fundamental back exercises along with those that uses your body weight such as variations of pull ups.

Do Your Research and Plan Ahead

There are so many great tools that you can use to come up with great workout plan for your back and all other muscle groups. There are apps like JEFIT or NIKE TRAINING that have thousands of exercises at your fingertips. If you don't plan, you plan to fail. Plan your workouts beforehand; have a list of the amount reps and sets you hope to achieve for each exercise. This will increase motivation and performance.

Quality over Quantity: Pick the Right Exercises

What happens to most individuals is that they become too comfortable with their routine, they pick a set of exercises and do the same thing every week. Include a variety of unique exercises in your routine by switching up the type of equipment used. If you work out your back twice a week, use dumbbells one day and switch up to barbells and resistance training the next. Be sure that most of the exercises you choose engages your entire core as oppose to simply your upper back or lower back. Lastly, pick wisely. A common mistake people make is trying to fit too many exercises in one session and that’s just a recipe for disappointment. Pick the most effective exercises and stick to 60 min workouts.

Keep a Well Rounded Routine

To build a strong back, you have to focus not just on the upper back muscles but your lower back as well for overall strength," says Alyssa Ages, athlete with PowerNYC Training and trainer at Global Stronman Gym, Epic Hybrid Training, and Uplift Studios. Muscles depend on each other get stronger. Learn to train for overall strength and not just looks, if you love how the upper back looks and ignore your lower back, you will leave no room for improvement because you lower back will hinder your ability to grow a stronger upper back.

Build a Strong Core

Your back will not get stronger if your core is too weak because your core is your foundation and your lower back, abs, oblique are some components of your core and it is pivotal to keep your foundation strong to reduce the risk of injury and increase the amount of load you can handle. Try adding weight to your current ab routine and using your body weight more when training your core. Here are 3 Effective Core Exercises you can use next time you go to the gym. To learn more about back exercises and core work, contact a trainer.

Core and Back Routine

Take a 30- 60 sec between sets

Warm up

Max Out

Isometric Pull up Hold

Pull Ups

Wake Up the Muscles

Barbell Deadlifts

Barbell Bent over Row

Lat Pulldowns

[3 Sets- 10, 8, 6] 70 % Effort

2 Minute Break

Get This Work in

Weighted Pull Ups

Dumbbell Reserve Fly

Weighted Sit-up’s

Renegade Rows

[3 Sets- 8, 6, 4] 90% Effort

Cool Down


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