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Here are a few items you can put in your grocery list:


Nuts such as: cashews, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, etc.

Seeds: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds.

Chicken breast

Shellfish such as: shrimp, scallops, crab, etc.

Fish such as: salmon, tuna, tilapia, mackerel, etc

Protein shakes (whey, egg, soy, casein, pea, etc)

Protein bars


Vegetables (broccoli, peas, spinach, sprouts)

Do you ever look at your bank account and regret spending countless dollars on food? You're over here thinking, was all that chipotle really worth it? Then you turn around and look at the mirror and all the weight went everywhere but where you want it to go. Upon your disappointment, the only thing left to do to free yourself from the misery of disappointment is shopping. Therefore, a trip to the mall couldn't hurt; what's a couple of purses and shoes if it will help one escape from feelings of distraught. Spending can be contagious, it is often an act that occurs in effort to increase one's well being, social status, and often to fulfill ego's. However, next time you take a trip to the grocery store, perceive that as an opportunity to better your health, overall well being, and the best asset to achieving your fitness goals.

Nutrition is key to Success

Human beings often learn best through repetition but constant reiteration of the same thing over a long period will usually lead to "cliche's". You've heard people tell you: "Eating right is the most important part of working out". In your head, it's nothing but another myth, a cliche or something impossible to do. Hence, you ignore it and continue on eating all types of fast foods with hopes of getting a bigger booty and aspire to look like an Instagram model. Tell you what, it is not going to happen. Not unless a healthy source of nutrition becomes part of your lifestyle, not a diet but simple daily healthy choices. It can start by replacing soda with water, eating a fruit instead of candy, even getting salad instead of fries. What you must remember is to not perceive eating right as a goal or something you are doing to get specific results, think of it, as a lifelong investment and commitment to your body.

Starting your Nutrition Journey

Remember your first attempt to walk? If you responded yes, stop lying to yourself. The general consensus of learning to walk is constantly falling, it is like that with every aspect of life. The best way to succeed and thrive is through failure, but ample individuals never choose to get back up due to the lack of dedication and drive to achieve a certain goal. Nutrition is the same way, you're going to start off enthusiastic and ecstatic to be the "best that you can be" (common cliche) but a time will come when you will be tricked by that tempting texture of a chocolate cake and you will fail. Just make sure you wipe your hands (literally and figuratively) and keep it moving.

What groceries should I be buying

A common question I receive from my personal training clients is: what should I be buying? The answer is simple, buy everything that is close to nature. In other words, if the food did not come from a tree, animal, or the earth, it is best to stay away. That may be seem impossible considering that food is not really fresh anymore unless its organic but just keep the concept in mind. During your next trip to the grocery store, before you put anything in the cart, think about where it is from. If your goal to build a butt, you should make sure you are getting enough calories as well as proteins in your diet. If it is to lose weight, ensure that your diet is primarily protein based and your carbs from natural sources such as vegetables (consume less carbs). Need motivation to stay on track? Contact us.

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