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How To Get Rid of That Thanksgiving Belly

The holidays is the most amazing time of year, it is the time where people come together and spread love, food and a couple of extra pounds. Don't let the scale take away your holiday cheer, fight back! It is easier to lose a couple of extra pounds than it is to forget that palpable smell of thanksgiving dinner so get to work and start burning! A common mistake most people do is limit cardio to the treadmill, Stairmaster, elliptical. Don' be that person, try the following things to get rid of your excess thanksgiving weight:

Take the cardio outside, the gym is a great place… To lift weights.

Try working out outdoors in different environments because it will increase motivation, decrease boredom and you will have less anxiety from being around other people picking up and dropping weight. Instead of the Stairmaster, try running actual stairs at a stadium, park or flight stairs in your apartment. Outdoor training will leave you inspired and you will have more room to do circuit training, high intensity interval training and cross training. All of those methods are proven to be more effective in weight loss than traditional methods such as jogging and running.

If it has FAST in front of it, Speed up and drive pass it. No FAST FOODS.

If you haven’t heard that nutrition is the most important aspect of losing weight, you have today. In order to make any physical transformation, you have to watch what you eat. One great way to start is by avoiding fast foods. Try meal prepping, schedule small portions throughout the day and be health conscious of all food intake.

Start a Routine

The main reason why most of us do not stick to things is because of the lack of effective planning and routine. Having a set schedule to help you stay on track and motivated to ensure that you’re working out on a consistent basis and keeping up with your diet.

Just remember, never workout to burn calories, workout because it is a lifestyle.

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